Monday, December 10, 2018

The Changing Environment

High School, college, and most of one's young pre-twenties life could be a rather rough one in regards to friendships, relationships, and more. A typical High School has its cliques and sometimes - in a different aspect - in college as well. How your treated and treat people will leave a lasting impression on your interactions with those certain people for the years following graduation.

For me, however, the environment and interaction between myself and those I've known over the past several years have greatly changed and is in large part of the weight loss. It is important to note that this doesn't strictly include old classmates or friends you may know. it very well could expand beyond that. This blog spot, more specifically, is to address how people change around you based on the body image one has.

Since losing the weight, people that were complete a**holes in High School will try and reconnect with you like you've known each other for a decade. There are some that you may have had a falling out with that will apologize for something they did years ago. There is a bigger light to shed on this massive problem and that is how obese people are treated and viewed upon in public. People don't want to associate themselves with you or would rather be cordial with others. There were people I went to High School with that I never held a conversation with, but once I debuted my new 'look' if you will, things changed. It is has if being fat isn't good enough for them. Being the 'fat kid' in every friends group gets old and you will soon realize that they're laughing at you, not with you.

This goes for not just those who are on the large side, but those with different skin colors, accents, whether they're abled or disabled, who they love, what they wear, etc. For some strange, frustrating reason, society has painted this picture on peoples' minds of what it should be, not what it can be. The lack of respect for some people is just mind-boggling. Diversity and inclusion is so important and until you're faced with it, the lack of understanding why it is will linger.

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